Thursday 7 November 2013


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Although Saturn is  not the only planet to have rings (Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus also have rings) it can be distinguished in our solar system by the scale of them. There are between 500 and 100 rings which cover a distance of 400,000 kilometers (240,000 miles) wide.  This is the same distance as from the earth to the moon.

Its rings consist of mostly rock and ice, which vary in size from tiny dust like particles to much larger pieces the size of buses.

Saturn is one of the larger planets and has many moons, which gives it a significant gravity pull.  It is believed that this gravitation pull is responsible for the rock and ice particles orbiting the planet, giving the distinctive rings effect.

It is unclear where these particles come from but there are two main theories.  It may be due to dust from its moons when asteroids impact or perhaps the dust remains from an old moon that was destroyed when the planet was created.

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